If condition is excellent on mac of all trades
If condition is excellent on mac of all trades

There are very powerful economic incentives for keeping women in their place, for keeping women subordinate, for resisting the equalization of life chances by any disfranchised group. Sometimes long before some of our own people. And conservative are the first to appreciate this. Every dollar I have to give you in work is one less dollar for me in profits. Greater equality for them means greater pay for them, which can only cut into profits. Women and people of color do some of the dirtiest, toughest, lowest paying work in our society. And that fear of equality extends to racial and gender equality, also. You read it in Abigail Adams…these people who would want an ‘equal distribution’ of property, you see. They constantly…they talk about it.they used to call it ‘leveling’. All through history, they, they have a raging fear of class equality. You can read it in Madison’s ‘Federalist Papers’ number 10. Sexism and racism make that expropriation much easier.Ĭonservatives have a raging fear. The secret to getting is rich is not to work hard, but to get a lot of other people to work hard for you. “Wealth is accumulated by expropriating the labor power of the worker. CLASS WARFARE AND AUSTERITY: Neoliberal Nation-State KleptocracyĬlass Warfare-0666A1, CAPITALISM, SEXISM, RACISM, CONSERVATISM, PATRIARCHY: Subordination, Gender Oppression, Deity Male Supremacy, Voting Rights (100 Year Struggle), Property Distribution, Class Warfare, Class Privilege, Class Oppression, Class Bigotry, Working Class, Lack of Power, Working Harder for Less, Reduce Cost of Production, Lower Wage Demands Iranian Gender Oppression Child Rearing, Growing Food, Unpaid Jobs, Gender Exploitation, Capitalist Class vs. Climate Chaos: The Fossil Fuel 6 TH Extinction of Life on Earth DEEP STATE: A Red-State Plantation with Affiliated Dark Money PAC’s Federalist Neoliberal Catholic S-Court-5 Rent-Boy Just-asses…who bang Armani Suit CEO’s, love Election Fraud and Immaculate Conception Koch-ALEC NRA RTW Slave-Catcher’s Fly-Over Plantation Deep State NWO Zionist Rothschild Christian War-Without-End Deep State Pentagon and Black Ops Budget: 2.6 Million Recent Vets

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ROTHSCHILD’S NWO CENTRAL BANK AND WAR W/O END DEEP STATE DNC PRIMARY ELECTION FRAUD LAWSUIT: Judge William Zloch Election Fraud: Koch Crosscheck, A.L.E.C. Forbes 400 King’s USA Right-Wing Strategy and Propaganda War

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WATCHDOGS: Growling at Forbes 400 King’s TWO USA DEEP STATES Issue Based Radio, TV, Podcast, YouTube Alternative Media Hosts

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CLASS WARFARE, RULING CLASS WINS: America’s Not A Democracy Libertarian Anarchist’s Trickle-Down VooDoo Supply-Side Reaganomics: GOP and Blue-Dog Golden-Shower Economics

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