Red orchestra vietnam easyanticheat
Red orchestra vietnam easyanticheat

red orchestra vietnam easyanticheat

IMHO the only argument worth having is whether EAC is a more effective choice then PB which RO2 was using. It is a constant arms race just to keep up with cheaters but I don't leave my front door unlocked just because some thieves have bump keys or sledgehammers. No system is perfect and people will find ways around it. people claiming it doesn't work because they see people hacking and cheating people concerned about resource hogging (The only evidence of this I can find is a memory leak from 9 months ago.) tin foil hatters concerned about back door access to their computer. (This is what bug reports and communication between you and the developer are for.)


people concerned about 3rd party drivers being flagged as cheat engines.

red orchestra vietnam easyanticheat red orchestra vietnam easyanticheat

But unfortunately we live in a world where people cheat and hack to the detriment of others and the game) I guess one could be upset that the software checks what processes you are running for suspicious processes. Which EAC does not use to determine cheating. people concerned about the software taking screen shots which only happens in the version used for CSGO tournaments. people who are upset because they forgot "they left their cheat engine running" but totally weren't cheating in the game they were banned for. people claiming to be banned for no reason then slipping up 20 comments in and admitting to cheating cheaters complaining about getting caught TL DR Fear mongering, lies, and paranoia with a side order of legitimate concern about its effectiveness The complaints I've seen out there about EAC boil down to:

Red orchestra vietnam easyanticheat